02.04.2025 I have nothing to say that I haven’t said already — and if we can’t expect the American nation-state to value us unconditionally, we will have to value each other in our homes, collectives, jobs, families, and otherwise minefields.
Sustaining my art practice over the last few months has been hell on ice with educational and creative budget cuts, mental health under fascism, and the divine intersection between trauma and embracing joy... but Im so grateful to say Iv conquered the beast and I hope to share what ive found by....April? I am over the moon about the stuff Im working on, and I’m not allowed to talk about it— the most sacred phase of new art....

In the meantime, always checkout my prints, decals, and published works at CROADCORE MALL, or your favorite local book store. My illustration books are always open + my tarot readings are always on offer. For art commissions, feel free to share as little or as much details as you need to. For tarot readings, I prefer to know nothing of the situation in question. Write me anytime at cristyroad@croadcore.org !

And last but totally important, please checkout the PUNKSACOLA Podcast! Hosted by the legendary 309 Punk Museum, where I've found myself (physically and spirutually) many times in the last 25 years. Check me out in the latest queer episode series PUNK IS QUEER, and checkout my playlist full of my top queer classics.

With that said, please stay tuned while I birth my next opus xxx

[The Devil. Ink, Marker, Acrylic 14x17, 2017, from Next World Tarot]

09.01.2024 Web updates are few and far between in this world artists-have-to-become-commercials, and Im not allowed to show you anything Im working on! So hopefully someone sees this….. Checkout this new piece for Anna Anti-Palindrome’s FEMME DAGGER project, GLITTER IN THE CUT! Annah has been making music with revolutionary intent for over 20 years.
Otherwise, Im just only here to say that CHOKED UP have regrouped with the legendary Crystal (from my old band The Homewreckers and Partyline) and she has convinced me to book a tour! Albert, who’s been on bass for a few years, was emotionally available, so Im stoked to say were doing this for the first time since the lockdown! Come out if youre in the area or stay tuned for new songs + more shows in the near future— si dios quiere…. and hopefully dios is a banjo stroking crustlord who secretly loves The Knack and Selena!

See Ya in the Pit or in the ether, whatever works! And Dont forget to DOWNLOAD MY FREE PRINTS to STOP THE GENOCIDE In Palestine.

9/21 - 924 GILMAN ST - Berkeley, CA
w/ Charger, One Less Zero, Vaccines, East Brothers Band, + Startle
9/22 - THEE PARKSIDE - San Francisco, CA
w/ Chaos Fiction + Smokers
9/26 - NOMADA - Tijuana, MX
w/ TJ Grass, Tasajo, + Juju Beat
9/27 - THE SHOP - San Diego, CA
w/ Starsdontmeananything, Polio, Kenipshun Pit, Exposed Nerves
9/28 - THE MONTY - Los Angeles, CA
w/ Trap Girl, Pop Hysteria

4.18.2024 I become more Livid the more I am informed, but as a card carrying American, I stay vigilant. The system has always been a violent imperialist — and we’re watching its accountability everyday over social media. A New Print for Ceasefire is up for FREE DOWNLOAD, featuring the awe inspiring Palestinian activist and journalist, Bisan Owda, and a quote by her— “Now is our chance to Be the Heroes We Dreamed of.” Because it is.

In more NEW WORK Ive uploaded my illustration of Godess Lossana for the Mystic Punks RPG on Exalted Funeral Press + The cover art for the heartbreakingly gorgeous book, Infinity Mathing at the Shore & Other Disruptions by M. Lopes da Silva on Weird Punk Books. Check em all out in the New Uploads in ARTWORK.

And last but never least, I am going to go yell around America next month, with the SLUTS Anthology, set to be released on May 7th on DOPAMINE PRESS. SLUTS celebrates the embrace of sexual promiscuity and the liberation of the queer body. Im so proud to be a part of this! My piece, however, is about mourning a slut past— as nameless sex is no longer comforting when you are in love and quitting drugs in fascist America, 2121. I will be reading about sexual tension, masturbation, punk rock tour and cursing the hell that is an open heart, as my protagonist is unhealed in this excerpt from my next offspring— Sink Or Burn.

I have a lot to say about trending racist tropes permeating the industry... I have a lot to say about erasure and misogyny testing the roster... but I am tired. And I just want to make art. And the more I relive these cycles where radical culture-shifters make room for me while the industry sleeps on complex Latinas- I feel at peace...... KEEP YELLING BUT DONT LET THEM STEAL YOUR SACRED ENERGY<3

5.8 SLUTS RELEASE PARTY // LOS ANGELES, CA // LA Poetic Research Bureau @ 730PM w/ Michelle Tea, Baruch Porras Hernandez, Hedi El Kholti, D-L Alvarez, Amanda Montell , Tom Cole, Daviel Shy, Sam Cohen, Lydia Conkler, Gabrielle Korn, Taleen Kali, Cheryl Klein, Cristy Road Carrera, Kamala Puligandla, Drew Arriola Sands + Bradford Nordeen

5.9 SAN FRANCISCO, CA // Fabulosa Books @ 7PM w/ Michelle Tea, Kamala Puligandla, Drew Arriola Sands, Bradford Nordeen, D-L Alvarez, Tom Cole, Daviel Shy, Lydia Conkler, Robert Gluck, Baruch Porras Hernandez + Cristy Road Carrera

5.10 SAN FRANCISCO, CA // Mother Bar @10PM w/ the same lineup as Fabulosa but maybe a surprise.

5.17 NEW YORK, NY // Dixon Place @ 7PM w/ Michelle Tea, Cristy Road Carrera, Tom Cole, Daviel Shy, Baruch Porras Hernandez, McKenzie Wark, Jeremy Atherton Lin, Kamala Puligandla + Carley Moore

5.19 HUDSON, NY // The Spotty Dog @ 7PM w/ Michelle Tea + Laurie Stone in Conversation w/ readings by Chloe Caldwell, Tom Cole, Daviel Shy, Carley Moore, Jeremy Atherton Lin, Kamala Puligandla + Cristy Road Carrera

5.22 MADISON, WI // A Room of One’s Own @ 6PM w/ Michelle Tea, Sam Cohen, Cristy Road Carrera, Daviel Shy + Vera Blossom

5.23 CHICAGO, IL // Women and Children First @ 7PM w/ Michelle Tea, Vera Blossom, Cristy Road Carrera, Monir Meredith, Maran Daviel Shy Taleen Kali, Sam Cohen, Lyn Corelle + Jimmy Cooper

01/24/2024 New Work, old despair. Please checkout my FREE DOWNLOAD For my new print, CEASEFIRE X END APARTHEID available in 10x10 color, black and white, and coloring book line art, as well as an 11x17 poster xxx Let us stew in our visions, our joy, and our crutches that will allow us to survive this war against free speech, riding on the curtails of a state-sanctioned-geno$ide. All dissent is beautiful and all dissent is valid, given its relative proximity to state violence. The greatest powers on earth want to destroy the truth-telling left, and our survival is beautiful. We are witnessing a cascade of violence that feels like a trauma response, but in the end is a war against Islam, a war for oil, or a war for cobalt. As I watch the dire heartlessness of Amerikkka destroy the little hope I had in democratic reform— I hope to coalesce with my sacred, secret families, affinity groups, sanctuaries and autonomous spaces like I have through every collapse that I watched through rose tinted media— but became educated on through danger and dissent.

Speaking of sacred spaces and sacred joy— please checkout my other new pieces for badass midwestern comedian Kristin Lytie, the legendary Coverups fronted by Billie Joe Armstrong, and cover art for old time East Bay punks, Farmerz of The Apocalypse. Check it all out in the DRAWINGS <3

With that said, send your brujeria to the completion of my graphic novel. I mean, its sorta done — the rest of the world just needs to catch up...


09.23.2023 I cant believe Ive lived to see the day that anti-racism and queerness are rampant on the mainstream media! However, as an artist who has been telling the truth from the uncomfortable intersection of Latinidad, depression, insanity, promiscuity, queerness, womanhood and punk rock— I know my story is too complex for universal delivery. Oh well! So in long lived tradition, im so excited to announce that Im unveiling more parts of my new illustrated novel, SINK OR BURN in lovely southern California! DOPAMINE PRESS is a new publishing house started by Michelle Tea, a legendary dyke rabble rouser and author who has been elevating my work since day one. An excerpt from SINK OR BURN will be featured in their first anthology, entitled…. SLUT. Come out to LA and Palm Springs for some killer nights of wild trashy romantic epic queer literature. Details below!

In the same arena of feeling elevated by revolutionaries who prioritize truth and survival— Im so honored to be a part of OUR LEGACY OF ADVOCACY — an exhibit hosted by the California Nurses Association and the National Nurses Organizing Committee 2023 Convention; at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. I’ll be exhibiting REVOLUTION and it will be for sale. For information visit https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/

With that said, pleases continue to support my magical whirlwind and checkout NEXT WORLD TAROT on SILVER SPROCKET COMICS, my BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG T-shirt on TEES 4 TOGO, my OLD STUFF, and my rock n roll band — CHOKED UP, at an upcoming gig, a streaming platform OR Pickup a copy of MALA LENGUA on vinyl or DICHOSO CORAZON on CD from Don Giovanni Records!

I will never stop drawing or writing songs or books. And the algorithm is just going to have to suck it. Stay tuned for more talks and punk and deep unmarketable magic in NYC, later in November….. Till then….. See Ya in the Pit! Or at the library…..

9.30 - PIEGON PACK PRESENTS Choked Up Queer Chaos, Funderal Doors, Warm Wishes - BK One
ALL AGES Queer Punk night! $12 / No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds! 730 PM At BK One Tom Kane Theater / 51 35th St. Building 5 - Brooklyn NY Ticket link Here

10.5-8 - OUR LEGACY OF ADVOCACY Art Exhibit @ Moscone Center - San Francisco, CA
REVOLUTION Will be featured at the Our Legacy of Advocacy Exhibit, honoring the California Nurses Association. Opening Night 10/5. For Conference and registration details Visit https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/

Ill be reading new work from my upcoming graphic novel! Join me and Molly Larked, Gabrielle Korn, Emily Segal, Kamala Puligandla, and Karen Tongson at Stories on Sunset! NO COVER!

10.14 - QUEER LOVE LUST AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN for Pride on The Page - Palm Springs CA
Pride on the Page is a 2 day Queer Lit festival hosted by the Palm Springs Public Library Foundation! Come out for legendary keynote speaker Armistad Maupin and a million order panels and talks. Ill be speaking on Queer Love ,Lust, and everything in-between! A panel moderated by Michelle Tea featuring Daniel Jaffe, Kamala Puligandla, and Me! For details visit prideonthepage.org

11.07 - Artist Talk @ Bard College - Annandale, NY
Ill be speaking art + identity + pain + resilience and turning it into a lifelong practice at Bard College.

11.18 - PANSY DIVISION + CHOKED UP @ TV Eye - Brooklyn, NY
Choked Up is opening for East Bay Queercore Punk legends and trailblazers PANSY DIVISION! This link for Tickets

WARNING: My ONLY account on Instagram, FB, Twitter, etc. is @CROADCORE -- Thats it -- There is thousands of scammer accounts out there for all kinds of artists -- My scammer will ask you for money in exchange for a tarot reader. DONT SEND ANYONE MONEY! For info visit @scammeralertpage on Instagram.

7.17.2023 Happy New Moon in Cancer! What a great time to destroy everything that sustains your well of self-hate! The exhaustion from surviving in a deeply broken system can be absolutely trying for anything with a soul… all the more reason to be true and resist cultures that damage my purpose. So I decided to not join squix or wixyware or whatever, and updated this page with all the art thats been mostly gracing my social media to the dismay of this website. Its been a weird year, and I must batten down the hatches..... Bless.

Now, please checkout all the new art in the ARTWORK! Im happy to announce my OUTLAWS & ICONS series out now on FIT’s HUE Publication. You can checkout the first excerpt of the legendary Shoog McDaniel! Also in education, Ive uploaded my BASQUIAT portrait, created for the Latinx portrait series for the NYC Dept of Education. In the realms of punk, Ive uploaded the cover art for the amazing AMINA SHAREEF ALI’S full length record, In The Dark — A poster for the long-standing NYC punk festival PUNK ISLAND — a poster for one of my all-time favorite bands CITY MOUSE for our show that I organized with the goal of reinventing 1998, and A poster for MIG FEST, a ska festival in Salem, OR. Then, last but not least — my new self portrait... PERIMENO RISING, made out of tears, ink wash, gouache, and my period blood. I cant explain where Im going these days — and I cant share work from my new graphic novel — but it sure is nice to take a massive leap from everything Ive ever known while simultaneously chiseling the devices and art forms that I already love.

Hope to see you at one of these amazing events coming up in a town near you -OR- find me on Instagram + Facebook + the other things (but not really) @croadcore only, and always.

9/09 - Joteria Virtual Tarot Talk @ AJAAS Fall 2023 Virtual Symposium
Join me for Tarot Joteria! I will be speaking about brujeria and reinventing myself as an artist. You are invited! // Zoom Meeting ID 962 5834 1681// For details visit https://www.ajaas.com/

10.5-8 - Legacy of Advocacy Art Exhibit @ Moscone Center - San Francisco, CA
REVOLUTION Will be featured at the Legacy of Advocacy Exhibit, honoring the California Nurses Association. Opening Night 10/5

Ill be reading new work from my upcoming graphic novel! Details to come!

10.14 - PRIDE ON THE PAGE- Palm Springs CA
Pride on the Page is a 2 day festival hosted by the Palm Springs Public Library Foundation! Come out for legendary keynote speaker Armistad Maupin. Ill be speaking on a panel hosted by Michelle Tea!

11.07 - Artist Talk @ Bard College - Annandale, NY
Ill be speaking art + identity + pain + resilience and turning it into a lifelong practice at Bard College.

11.18 - Pansy Division + Choked Up @ TV Eye - Brooklyn, NY
Choked Up is opening for East Bay Queercore Punk legends and trailblazers PANSY DIVISION! This link for Tickets

JUNE 2023 CROADCORE.ORG IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Contrary to popular demand, I am not switching over to a modern server! I am making this one more... honest. In the meantime, Im busy with my usual working on new art, performing around, and living my usual life!

For those of you in the 3D world, you find me over the next few months at the following events:

6.22 · Miami, FL · PEN America: No Straight Lines · O Cinema

9/2023 TBA · Joteria Tarot Talk · AJAAS Fall 2023 Virtual Symposium

10.4- 10.8 · San Francisco, CA · Legacy of Advocacy CNA Art Exhibit · Moscone Center

11/2023 TBA· Annandale, NY · Artist Talk · Bard College

11.18 - Brooklyn, NY · Pansy Division + Choked Up · TV Eye

For Next World Tarot, 13x19 Archival Prints, The Chaos of Enlightenment, Spit and Passion, Indestructible, and most of my art and merchandise visit THE CROADCORE MALL

For Art, Music, and occasional life Updates Follow @CROADCORE on Instagram and Facebook.

For my music visit CHOKED UP or THE HOMEWRECKERS on Bandcamp and the streaming platforms that I dont lovebut try to stay modern with<3

And last but not least, my books are always open for art commissions, event proposals, or tarot readings! Visit the OFFERINGS tab for details on how to connect with me!

<3 <3 Until Next Time

9.30.2022 MALA LENGUA!! CHOKED UP!! You know, its a real pain in the ass when all industries point toward one of your voices, ignoring the fabulous horizon that you are truly capable of. Since the release of NEXT WORLD TAROT, everyone asks if my next big thing is another deck, or esoteric piece — but no, its MALA LENGUA. The new EP that I recorded with my band Choked Up. These songs are a testament to my heart and its wild trek towards resilience and truth. MALA LENGUA is about sweet, uncompromising mutual romantic feelings, under the guise of our own trauma, of capitalism, self hate, growth, and freedom from our demons, and also the heteropatriarchy. Love is only love when we stop pretending its not there; but how on earth do we do that if our souls are still so crushed, navigating the filth of emotional debris? For me, its through reckless abandon. Sometimes the heart just knows more. Checkout the record streaming on all platforms + the first music video for TRAGIC BULLSHIT Directed by Brendan McKnight!

To divert my attention, Im so honored to say that Ill be on SISTER SPIT TOUR! This week I hit the road with this legendary lineup and my in-progress sci-fi romance that I didnt think Id ever write. This lineup features Michelle Tea, Sini Anderson, Vera Blossom, Sara Seinberg, Julian Delgado Lopera, Mya Spalter and Jane Lecroy!! Our first date is 9.30 in MA. For details check below.

Following this venture, Ill be riding down to Pensacola, FL for a week long residency at The 309 Punk Project, the only artist run nonprofit organization in the South committed solely to archiving the creative efforts of the punk culture of the region. 309 was one of the first punk houses I ran away to in 2001, to find community and self worth, and this full circle moment is so meaningful.

And in between, Im so stoked to have a new piece at the PUNK ROCK AND PAINTBRUSHES Exhibit at Aftershock Festival in Sacramento, CA. This piece will be my first ever GREEN DAY homage featuring full color and every band member. For now, checkout this excerpt of the art! Up there on the news icon.

With all that said, Checkout the upcoming Choked Up Gigs and listen to our past records on our Bandcamp and Spotify! …. GET IT!

9.30 - Smith College, Northampton, MA - 8PM @ The Weinstein Auditorium - FREE
10.1 - The Museum of Arts and Design - 7:45PM @ 2 Columbus Circle - New York City - Doors 7:45 PM - $25/20 ($10 for MAD Members)
10.2 - Brown University, Providence, RI - 7PM @ 70 Brown St. McCormack Theater - FREE
10.5 - Wesleyan College, Middletown, CT- 6PM @ RUSSELL HOUSE - FREE

10.6 - PUNK ROCK AND PAINTBRUSHES Exhibit at Aftershock Festival - Sacramento, CA

10.14 - CHOKED UP - MALA LENGUA Record Release Party @ TV Eye, Ridgewood NY w/ The Dilators, Monte, and Sub Rosa
10.17- 24 - 309 PUNK PROJECT Art Residency, Pensacola FL
10.31 - CHOKED UP - As The Buzzcocks - NY Night Train Haunted Hop @ The Knockout, Brooklyn, NY

8.13.2022 Today in the anti-brand universe of my gemini art-making, Im so grateful to share these commissions for punk rock bands and the NYC Department of Education!

Ive been pouring away for the last 2 or so years on these multi page pamphlets and poster series for NYC The Department of Education. Among the visuals you will get to see in the next school year (if youre a teacher, admin, or student) is my comic, written by Hugh Ryan and illustrated by me, ANY QUESTIONS, a manual for LGBTQ inclusion in the classroom. Also pictured is Whats the Case, KC? An economics guidebook on pretty much surviving high school, college, and the American economy. Additionally, Ive created a few poster series documenting movements and individuals, and pictured here are Sylvia Rivers, Ma Rainey, Martin Wong, and Alain Locke, for the HIDDEN VOICES LGBTQ Portraits Series.

On the other side of my tracks, So effing stoked to bless the amazing NYC Harlem rhythm core, 3 piece punk rock band, WINTERWOLF, with this art for their new record, UNWELL, celebrating and cursing the dystopian reality we all face. Winterwolf are heralding the Black punk movement in Brooklyn and Im so honored to contribute art. Check out their music and all the other logos Ive done for them at WINTERWOLF.

Lastly, dont forget to checkout my soul crushing collaboration with one of my all time favorite humans, BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG. These t shirts are for Tees4Togo, so every T-shirt you buy sends 1 girl in Togo, West Africa to school for a year! It also pays for healthcare, books, solar lights and a ton of other stuff. You can also get T-shirts of other legendary musicians and icons!


6.07.2022 Excuse me while I ignore the world and bask in the glory of this new art Im so excited about. BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG and I collaborated on this T Shirt design for TEES 4 TOGO and its finally up for pre-sale! Tees4Togo was founded by Kathleen Hanna (Bikini Kill, Le Tigre), and is an initiative partnered with Peace Sisters, who work towards the education and survival of girls in Togo, West Africa. Each t-shirt is $40 because that's how much it costs to send a girl to school for a year in Togo, where most girls can’t afford to attend school past the age of 11. Every T-shirt you buy sends 1 girl to school for a year! It also pays for healthcare, books, solar lights and a ton of other stuff. You can also get T-shirts of other legendary musicians and icons!

In performance and art show news, please check out these two legendary institutions, hosting amazing evenings on 6/8 and 6/9! .... Ill be showing 6 Original pieces from NEXT WORLD TAROT at VAZ A VER / YOU WILL SEE, an art exhibit in conjunction with this years NATIONAL QUEER ARTS FESTIVAL. Opening 6/8 at SOMA ARTS in San Francisco. For info on the full National Queer Festival, Check it out here!

3RD WAVE FUND are Celebrating 25 years of radical organizing and gender justice movements. Join us breathe a new world into being 6/9 for 3rd Wave’s 25th Anniversary celebration! Ill be giving a reading along with Performances and speakers. For more info Visit 3RD WAVE FUND.

And last but really cool is my new podcast on NTS.LIVE for Lorraine Petel’s YESTERDAY’S NEWS featuring a playlist of all the punk, garage, and classic rock Ive been obsessed with lately, including my band Choked Up because its Gemini season! Come get into my soul!

XXX <3 <3 <3 XXX

1.23.2022 The NEXT WORLD TAROT 3rd Edition is out now on Silver Sprocket with a new packaging design, a few changes in the text, but thats it. Im so proud to keep this in its original form and implement any new ideas into future projects. Im used to putting down projects after they are released and fueling something new. However, between the evolution of social media and technology —faults and all— paired with the unique life of a tarot deck versus any other work of art — Im feeling blessed for the love NEXT WORLD TAROT has received in its first 2 years of existence and looking forward to more reinvention. Thank you to everyone who has allowed NWT to blur and smash the intersection between reactionary chaos and revolutionary bliss. Fighting back and healing are messy — but intuition and ancestral wisdom are here to hold us.

Please checkout all the offerings on SILVER SPROCKET from the Hardcover Next World Tarot 9x12 Art Book, to the Pocket Sized Next World Tarot Decks.

With all that said — Happy New Year! Ive ran this website since 1999. Whenever It feels useless, I remember the true uselessness is the commodification of art so deeply present in the evolution of social media. I refuse to accommodate a growing industry before accommodating my voice— but you can still check me out on the social media @croadcore for sparse tarot readings, my music with CHOKED UP, and pictures of sunsets and garbage and beautiful stuff, like these epic live shots by the legendary Destiny Mata and Annalie Bouchard flashing to the left every so often.

And incase youre wondering.... in 2001 I chose a DOT ORG because it made me feel revolutionary and sexy at the same time and I hope to stay that way.


09.15.2021 Thrilled to finally announce THE CHAOS OF ENLIGHT ENMENT! A journey through the energy centers of the body, and an ode to our vital chakra system; which much of colonized medicine has denied for too long. These centers allow us to fight and scream and breathe and rest and love and know and exist above trauma and societal brainwashing. The Chaos of Enlightenment features 7 Black and Brown witches from Next World Tarot and the world around me. All 7 of these witches posed for this art and I am honored to be able to collaborate with old friends and legends Gina Kathleen (Artist, Healer, + Creator of 7th House Remedies), Nyky Gomez (Creator of Chupaflor Divination + Sex Worker + Activist), Priya Ray (Creator of DIYAbled + Musician), Tee Franklin (Graphic Novelist + Activist + Mother), Jade Payne (Sound Engineer + Musician), Fet Fet Hilario (Medicine witch + Queen of Nightlife), and Tourmaline (Artist + Activist + Visionary).

The Chaos of Enlightenment is available as Individual Risograph Prints + a 5x5 Risograph Zine of all Images and writing; printed and distributed by Silver Sprocket Comics. Here on CROADCORE.ORG I will be offering STICKER DECALS, so you can stick to your favorite candle, or otherwise oracle of protection such as your guitar or light post or government property or bedroom door. Check Out Prints at SILVER SPROCKET + Stickers at THE CROADCORE MALL!

And done forget to checkout the full ARTWORK, first 7 thumbnails in the Drawings, Paintings, and Series (2001-Present).


09.01.2021 I love starting these updates with a friendly reminder that I hate what social media does to us, although its a necessary evil for stay afloat and communicating the truth and its honestly exhausting. To the dismay of the algorithm, my heart comes first, and Im so thrilled to be playing shows again; and with some of my alltime favorite musicians (even though I kind of want to go back into hiding now?). To celebrate, I recorded and released IN YOUR DREAMS earlier than intended; as CHOKED UP have very exciting secret plans for the Fall 2021 and 2022….. Lets just say my dreams of musical theater and business relations are coming true. In the meantime, Please enjoy IN YOUR DREAMS, another love song for calming the storm inside our exhausted, traumatized, horny, extraordinary hearts. Written + Performed by Me and Engineered by the sound genius Jade Payne, Cosmic Noise, in Brooklyn NY. Check it out on Bandcamp or Spotify or other platforms I dont pay for.

In ART NEWS, another dream came true when I got to collaborate with THE MUSLIMS On their new LP For Epitaph Records. FUCK THESE FUCKIN’ FASCISTS Is a true gem full of honesty, ridiculous shredding, and ridiculous hooks. So honored to be a part of this, so PRE-ORDER Your vinyl copy for your collection and also the big art, and check it out on all the streaming platforms!!

With all that said, please show up for Afghanistan, Palestine, Texas, Louisiana, Haiti, and every community who’s infrastructure is broken due to conservative violence, societal neglect and colonization.


05.03.2021 The following weekend will be Mother's Day; and Im honored to be a part of MAMA'S DAY BAILOUT, A poster fundraiser benefiting Philly Bail Out, to help bring home Black mothers and caregivers, to be with their families and communities, where they belong, in time for Mother's Day. Organized by the People's Paper Coop, visit http://peoplespaperco-op.weebly.com/ for details on how to buy a poster and support Philly Bail Out. Visit phillybailout.org for more info.

And Opening May 6th, INTRICATE INTIMATE is an erotic art group exhibit and Im so fucking thrilled to be showing my self portraits of the last 5 years, Portrait of the Artist In Stages of Grief. Intricate Intimate is Curated by Monica Canilao, Swoon, & BLK Palate and will be up 5.6-6.2 at Allouche Gallery, 82 Gansevoort St. NYC. My art before print is another world and I feel fucking blessed to celebrate in this space, shitting on every struggle thats choked my resilience, my pussy, and my fire. I havent put original art up for sale since 2007 and this mind-blowing opportunity appeared just when It needed to. Because YES: Im fucking exhuasted.... with the industry, with getting ghosted, with erasure, with the white supremacist caste system that keeps subcultures boring.... We're here to resuscitate sexual revolution......To breathe and celebrate and cum all over our best selves. Come out for this stellar killer massive lineup of visual artists celebrating their erotic visions. For more info visit https://allouchegallery.com/

And one last thing: Checkout and Follow BREAST CANCER ACTION. Breast Cancer Action’s mission is to achieve health justice for all women at risk of and living with breast cancer. I will have a Next World Tarot Print included in DRAWING THE CONNECTIONS, this year’s Virtual Fundraiser. For details checkout https://www.bcaction.org/ ....Speaking of which, the next pressing is going to be metallic! Saying it here first because social media gives me acid reflux.

With all that said, protect your fire by whatever means possible <3

02.28.2021 I honestly dont love social media — I just got sucked back in when I self-released Next World Tarot. Since its release, Silver Sprocket Comics has taken over and I am so effin blessed to have them behind all it. Check them out for full size decks, pocket sized decks + the Next World Tarot 9x12 book. I hated keeping up but I am sold, because it is faster than posting flyers and buying ad space, and is forgiving in its immediacy and access (to people with phones?) albeit the usual bullshit fest: censorship, theft, and a gatekeeping algorithm that keeps you simplified and available for the white male gaze.... So please Follow me on Instagram as well as Silver Sprocket! Everything still ends up here ...… but In the meantime, you can checkout news updates, music performances, live tarot readings, old work, in progress pics of my upcoming enlightenment series + eternal Rock'n'Roll Hall of Femme series... and sometimes home decor + my cat, but not really, because I dont like getting too public with my personal life— just my personal prophecies and rhetorics on jerking off, self care, or the sate, you know? Which, like i said, all end up here anyway.

Speaking of eternity. I teamed up with INTERRUPTING CRIMINALIZATION to bring these PANDEMIC AWARENESS posters to you for the mere cost of $5 US Shipping. Im so honored to have been able to be a part of this! Available worldwide at the CROADCORE MALL or please contact me for details on bulk orders! Because the tools to survive this are still nebulous. Democrats in the white house or not— WE KEEP US SAFE. Checkout the full art up now in the ARTWORK Commissions and Donations section.

With that said, check out these upcoming performances and events! Stay up to date on Instagram or dont, go for a walk, it might be better for your soul anyway.

3/18-4/30 POLEMIC - ABC No Rio In Exile Exhibiting explicitly contentious and argumentative work that addresses current issues, problems and controversies.

3/2021 TBA - Video Release For THE WAY WE WERE Celebrating Destiny Mata’s Photography book THE WAY WE WERE (Available Now for Pre Order) Featuring Rebelmatic, Cristy Road Carrera and More.

09.23.2020 Gagged By The State Is my new self portrait {2020, Ink + Marker} and its available at the CROADCORE MALL now as a 13x16 Print. Gagged By The State is for the moments where growth, joy, and resilience are obstructed by the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist foundations of our chosen industries. My work came to life in the 90s— I found a home in punk but I still believed radical progress could obstruct media institutions— Until the mid 90's when reality TV and saturated capitalist culture destroyed things like 120 Mins., Sex in the 90’s, and the few shining cable lights that had me believing brilliant freaks could dominate anything. So I soon believed we had to create our own worlds, with our own creations, economy, water systems.... My story changed since, because I let my art lead the way. As I grew into the artist everyone else saw before me; I was finally inspired by the idea that fabulous geniuses, marginalized by society, deserve to take over concrete powerful institutions that can’t be destroyed. Becoming a universal old bitch has enabled me to exist outside of my freak comforts— but Im still me….. and America is still the America that capitalizes off tortured femme sexuality within the relative parameters of the consumer culture it’s abetting….. GAGGED BY THE STATE: Gagged by the patriarchy commodifying my self hate. Gagged by self-evident truths, unalienable rights, racism, sexual trauma, feminist theory with no praxis, and the idealization of survival that didnt work without drugs. Gagged by healing, growth and autonomy— the lonliest planets. gagged by the dentist, acid reflux, imposter syndrome, and class war— but cunt and fabulous <3

6.7.2020 Im here to announce my offering to the Uprising: RESISTANCE RITUAL {Ink, Marker, Acrylic Paint, 2020} You can Order RESISTANCE RITUAL at the CROADCORE MALL to benefit The Black Trans Protesters Emergency Fund with this first pressing. Future Pressings will be donated to the Trauma Fund for Black Folks by Project Lets, Black Visions Collective, and For The Gworls Collective. /// Resistance Ritual is based off the flames that burned 10 blocks from my house in Brooklyn. This flame burns through a paddy wagon’s empty carcass, releasing the spirits of those we lost to police Brutality. This flame is an abolition of historical anti-Blackness; and the violence ingrained in American caste systems that enable systemic racism and racist police violence. This flame is an ignition to transform naive definitions of equality and unity because “No one is Free Until Everyone is Free” (—Fanny Lou Hamer) ......This Flame is for REVOLUTION …..REVOLUTION is the healing of humanity as it redefines security culture and community control. REVOLUTION is transformative justice— as the people cut their alliances to harmful ideas and institutions while willing to start new. REVOLUTION begs us to learn, change, and abolish the state; in order to resurrect new models of safety, founded on mutual aid.

Not in Need of home decor!? Thats Fine! Click the Links and donate to these organizations right now!


3.2.2020 Its an honor to start the year with the LOUD + CLEAR UK Exhibit! LOUD & CLEAR is up 2/28-3/7 at ONCA Arts in Brighton UK; and highlights women + non binary artists working on the axis of music and visual art to dismantle expectations; and to create their own communities, histories and means of production. Im so fucking honored to have the first five images from Rock N Roll Hall of Femme included— Dejanos En Paz, Bruja Cosmica, Leaving The Body, Muse, and Soul Surrender. You can see these Up Now here in the DRAWINGS section + Live At ONCA Arts 2.26-3.7.2020

Loud + Clear is curated by Nadia Buyse + features Artists: Ana da Silva • Anna Luisa Petrisko • Cristy Road Carrera • Elly Clark (Sergina) • Gina Birch • LaJohn Joseph • Sharmi Basu (Beast Nest) • She Shreds Magazine • Tieraney Carter (Wizard Apprentice) • Vika Kirchenbauer // Opening Night hosted by artist in residence Jodie Cavalier /// ONCA Arts 14 St George's Pl. Brighton, UK /// 2.26 - 3.7.2020


11.18.2019 I cant believe its already time to share DICHOSO CORAZON, Choked Up's debut full length album. Dichoso Corazon was engineered and produced by pop-punk studio legend Mass Giorgini, at the Sonic Iguana. It is a love letter to the broken hearted in English y Español; featuring 11 songs about freedom, love, and rage after trauma; and healing your fucking heart, or dichoso corazon. Releasing this has not been easy and cute- it has reminded me of the misogyny and racism that plagues the music industry. The thing with esoteric art and feminist graphic novels, is that no one is trying to sell your body to young guys who pay big money for some good 'ol meat n potatoes melodic punk rock..... The curtains close when they realize that I will continue to present my femme sexuality alongside my survivor narrative, my bathroom humor, my love for classic rock, my love for broadway musicals, and all the gay ass shit that keeps me profound and inspired. Fuck linear branding.... With that said; Im thrilled to share the final DICHOSO CORAZON with you. With these songs you can learn spanish, let g go, hold on, and articulate your most uncomfortable feelings.

DICHOSO CORAZON Out now on Bandcamp, Spotify and all the streaming platforms! If youre in NYC, Pickup a CD or Cassette 12/4 @ 66 Congress For the record release show! With that said, catch us live or cry by yourself in your car!

12/4  · DICHOSO CORAZON RELEASE SHOW @ 66 Congress / 66 Greenpoint Ave. Brooklyn NY {Join us with our NYC Fam Mandy / The Loneliners / Universe Ignore Her } · ALL AGES  · Doors @ 7:30PM

12/31  · WORLD INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION @ The Kingsland 269 Norman Ave. Brooklyn NY {Choked Up will be joining the legendary WORLD INERNO for their NYE Party with Teenage Halloween and Funkrust Brass Band}  · 16+ · Doors @ 8PM



10.04.2019 sO ProOoud to announce the culmination of so much revelations, pain, determination, revisiting trauma, and reclaiming my heart— Choked Up’s full length Album “Dichoso Corazon” is set to release 10/28! I will be self-releasing all CD’s and digital formats, and Get Better Records will be releasing a cassette. For now, we just released “Home” the first single off Dichoso Corazon... Check out the MUSIC VIDEO PREMIERE on New Noise Magazine! You can stream or download "Home" is on our bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, etc.

Well, if the song gave you any feelings— I would love to see you on the road!!! First off, Ill be touring the west coast with my acoustic solo project, as well as readings from NEXT WORLD TAROT in October…. THEN Ill be heading down to FL with CHOKED UP. Our tour stars at THE FEST ; Florida’s legendary 3-day punk festival… Find us on our trek home....

10/9. ACOUSTIC - @Bookshow / Los Angeles, CA
10/10. ACOUSTIC - @Bridgetown / La Puente, CA
10/11. READING - @WACKO / Los Angeles, CA
10/14. ACOUSTIC - @Golden Bull / Oakland, CA
10/16. ACOUSTIC - @The Knockout / San Francisco, CA
10/17. READING - @LITQUAKE / San Francisco, CA
W/ Kate Schatz & Miriam Klein-Stahl, Dia Felix, Ariel Gore, Juliana Delgado Lopera, Carley Moore, Brontez Purnell, Cristy C. Road, Mya Spalter. Curated and hosted by Michelle Tea.
10/25. CHOKED UP - @Starr Bar / Brooklyn, NY
A BENEFIT FOR BLACK TRANS TRAVEL FUND With Compa, H.B.I.C., Mowri, and Headbind
11/2. ACOUSTIC- @THE FEST Gainesville, FL  
11/3.  CHOKED UP - @THE FEST Gainesville, FL 

11/4.   CHOKED UP - @Las Rosas - Miami, FL

11/5.  CHOKED UP - @ Sweat -  Miami, FL
11/6.  CHOKED UP - @The Falcon Orlando
11/7.  CHOKED UP - @Civvies Savannah GA
11/8.  CHOKED UP - @The Pinhook - Durham, NC  
11/9. CHOKED UP - @TBA - Philadelphia PA

Cant wait to see you! Lets throw shit!

07/18/2019 While secret projects and secret commissions keep me mysterious, brewing power in the comfort of my own cave and keeping all the fruits to myself— Im so happy to add new posters for CHOKED UP to the Poster and Flyers sections of the DRAWING Portfolio. If you haven’t seen us in real life, please checkout where all my feelings are being poured into, at our Bandcamp and Instagram!

Also from the woodwork of my mysterious vaults; Im so excited to unleash JERKING OFF IS MY GIRLFRIEND, Finally available as a print at the CROADCORE MALL. This piece is about reclaiming my junk from trauma and relishing in the wonderful affirmation that is masturbation. Also new to the Mall by popular demand is my tattooed BRUJA FIST; originally a poster for Punks of Color NYC Festival; and soon to be reissued as a super exciting book cover, coming soon.

Yes! All prints of my naked self portraits cost twice the price as all other prints, and that is an absolutely great discount!




06/25/2019 Oh, Time Magazine. Stonewall Was a Riot!! Queer Liberation is not the watered down narrative you conjured with harvard professors. The resilience of queer communities on the margins continues to rise because of A RIOT. I commemorate Marsha P. Johnson as my Pride poster offering because without her, there would not be Pride— there would not be universal resilience, despite the whitewashing, and the erasure of black trans women — without Marsha’s ignition in the 1969 Stonewall Riots. I’m sharing this poster as a FREE Hi-Res /Printer-Friendly PDF Poster, AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD HERE —for world pride, your sign, your home, your work, your family.

This drawing is for everyone who is looking for the light during this time of year— whether its loneliness, reconnection, or any out of body phase that keeps us looking at Pride from the outside in— trying to remember that the power to thrive, fuck shit up, and redefine community is embedded in our ability to open our hearts, accept our rage, and breathe joy into revolution— as Marsha did.
Stay away from whitewashed narratives & checkout HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARSHA directed by friends and artists Tourmaline and Sasha Wortzel, who educated ME about Marsha’s role in our community; and have provided years of education and truth. Checkout the 2012 Pay It No Mind Documentary, Checkout Micah Bazant and the Trans Life and Liberation Art Series ////

Love and power to everyone who’s been my family, who’s kept me safe and sane and here; who’s kept me company at the march and during the quiet pride— the awkward pride, sad pansexual pride, lonely bruja pride, reclaiming our soul pride.


06/07/2019 While the NEXT WORLD TAROT flourishes into multiple editions and other secret things, I work on commissions Im not allowed to talk about + my next large scale project Im just beginning to understand. Remember its not an artists / culture creators' job to alter their way of acccesing self-preservationm, in order to please modern ways of exchanging media; or embrace a culture of instant gratification that some of us dont relate to.... Come out to a show, check out my old work, tell your library to carry my work, and believe Im up to something.... In the meantime, checkout recent additions to the CROADCORE MALL // All Merchandise is mailed within 5 business days, unless otherwise noted; and is shipped from my studio in Brooklyn, NY. If you have any questions or special requests, prints of an image you don’t see — Please dont hesitate to write me at croadcore@gmail.com !

And as always, you can also email me for illustration inquiries, event proposals, or anything regarding my art or music. Instagram DM’s aren’t the best place to write me; but you can follow me for recent news and TMI @croadcore ///

In other news, you can catch all of CHOKED UP's upcoming shows at choked.bandcamp.com or follow us on Spotify + Instagram for vague comments about our upcoming full length album which features songs about love, healing, and the bullshit we walk through on the trek to rise above it.

With that said, You can catch me at the Denver Zine Fest on June 21st at the McNichols Civic Center Building at 144 W Colfax Ave. in Denver, CO 10am-6pm // FREE To Attend and open to All Ages!


04/26/2019 BLESSED To say Choked Up are back on the road! We just finished recording a full length— the suspense is killing me. So come out and listen to old and new songs that may or may not become the soundtrack to your next relationship upon release. My favorite way to claim to survival is to sing about it— and I can’t wait for you to hear all of the new songs. Come find us at POUZZA FEST, BREAK FREE FEST, and the mid-atlantic in between. If you cant make it, find us on your prefered internet poison @chokedupnyc on Instagram + Find us on Spotify and Bandcamp <3

5/10 Philadelphia,  PA — @ Mothership w/ HIRS Collective + Coherence, Yarrow

5/11 Washington, DC — @ TBA

5/12 Durham, NC @ The Pinhook w/ The Muslims, Snake Shaming

5/13 Richmond, VA @ Hypercube w/ Baby Sosa, Thin Pigeon

5/14  Baltimore, MD @ The Sidebar w/ Deadbuggs, Braceface

5/15  Allentown, PA @ 2nd Pl Vintage w/ Softerner + Ghost Lily

5/16 Brooklyn, NY @ El Cortez w/ HIRS Collective + Coherence, Material Support

5/17  Montreal, QC @ POUZZA FEST

5/25 Philadelphia, PA @ BREAK FREE FEST


03/04/2019 WEST COAST! Im stoked to be on SISTER SPIT TOUR For my 4th time! This tour celebrating queer authors and aritists changed the course of my entire career back in 2007; and Im thrilled to bring Next World Tarot on this journey! Ill be joined by amazing writers and artists Imani Sims, Juliana Delgado Lopera, Katherine Agard, Austin Hernandez, Katie Fricas, & Baruch Porras Hernandez reading new work, making you laugh and cry or piss or come out of a new closet you never knew you were inside of.

Check Us out in your town!!!!














For More Details visit radarproductions.org

2/15/2019 Stayin’ productive in the dystopia, always remembering to keep my heart on top of my sleeve; leading my logic into a magical abyss. Stoked to say my band CHOKED UP are currently holed up finishing a full length album! Coming Soonish to the world near you..... Follow us on Bandcamp, Instagram, Spotify, or whatever your poison; for deep thoughts and dumb shit — In the meantime, Check out new Tour Diary out now on NewNoise Magazine! Check it in the ARTWORK.

In other punk news; super stoked my show poster for BAD COP / BAD COP has become a T Shirt! Get it NOW at Stupid Rad Merch Co! And if you haven’t heard BCBC….. get it together!

In NEXT WORLD TAROT news; Ive just uploaded THE WORLD — the completion of a journey, a way of thinking, a lingering self doubt that causes blocks; and the beginning of integrating into a whole person. The World has also been added as a Print to the Croadcore Mall! Check it out along with tons of other prints of the past, present, and future.

And Last but not least— endless thanks to everyone who cleaned me out of Next World Tarot decks! Its Sold Out at the Croadcore Mall, but always available at Silver Sprocket + whatever leading book distributor you like to get into.

Hold Me.

11/22/2018 NEXT WORLD TAROT PRE-ORDERS Are Up Now! Eager to share this project again as the world goes to shit, and we attempt to smash and rebuild, we hope to keep Next World Tarot in circulation as long as humans trust their magic.

CLICK THIS LINK to reserve your copy! Silver Sprocket will be releasing a LIMITED QUANTITY of Next World Tarot Decks, which will ship directly to you from the office in San Francisco, CA, on Monday December 10th, 2018. THE REST Of the decks will be available worldwide starting in January of 2019! Heres to many spreads about resilience, revolution, and smashing everything that no longer serves you.

Aside from this, please always follow me @CROADCORE and the love of my life, CHOKED UP @chokedupnyc on social media, but mostly Instagram. We have 2 amazing shows closing 2018 that are truly clusterfucks of everything we love..... Cant wait to see you there!

11/30 @ Market Hotel / 1140 Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn NY
[Choked Up w/ Downtown Boys / Material Support + OhYung - A Benefit for New York Abortion Access Fund]

12/08  @ Cobra Club / 6 Wyckoff Ave. Brooklyn NY
[Choked Up w/ Jabber / Ramona / Headlines / Ellen & The Degenerates]


9/29/2018 As the world turns and the system shows its historical true colors of state-sanctioned misogyny, racism, and literal hate: folks on the margins are urged to live!! Achieve your wildest dreams in lieu of a system that hates you, and in honor of an earth we collectively attempt to heal. With that, Im stoked to say that CHOKED UP will be heading to California, as THE NEXT WORLD TAROT is sent to print for its 2nd Pressing on SILVER SPROCKET COMICS. Follow me @croadcore or Silver Sprocket for news on Pre-Sales!

If you are in the Bay Area and are eager for the Next World, Ill be giving readings from the deck at a very special evening of Cabronas with co-conspirator and punk legend Michelle Cruz Gonzales 10/3 @Silver Sprocket Headquarters in San Francisco! Scroll down for more dates.

Last but not least If you are in California (anywhere, really) and a fan of pop-punk music or at least the aggressive sharing of feelings, please come out and get Choked Up with us and fellow CA bands Coherence, Long Knives, The Groans and so many more! Follow us @chokedupnyc on the gramma or find us on Spotify, iTunes— whatever stresses you the least! Checkout the dates Below and stay tuned for a new '97 style web layout + Next World Pre-Sales later this month!

10/2 Oakland  @1234 Go! Records
10/3 San Francisco @Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club
10/4 Berkeley @924 Gilman St
10/5 Sacramento @TBA
10/6 Arcata @Lost Coast Fest
10/7 Arcata @Lost Coast Fest
10/8 Point Arena @Sign Off The Whale
10/9 San Jose @Mayfair Community Space
10/10 Fresno @Tower District Records
10/12  Riverside @Back To The Grind
10/13  Los Angeles @The Hi Hat
10/14  San Diego @Bar Pink

Always remember: YOUR FIRE IS ENOUGH!


7/28/2018 Back home in the comfort of my daily grind, Im in the middle of integrating all the insanity and magic, whether its intent is educational art, ancestral magic, or pop-punk songs about trauma and crushes. In an attempt to feel like human, Ive uploaded the most recent flyers and posters Ive made for my band, Choked Up. Check 'em out in the ARTWORK under Commissions and Donations. Featured on the left is my poster for next week’s brain numbing extravaganza with the legendary Alice Bag alongside fellow NYC ponkeras Ratas En Zelo. Sharing the stage and getting to draw Alice Bag is a blessing, as a woman who started playing in punk bands in the 70’s, Alice represents some deep resilience of Latinas in punk. Please come out Tuesday, August 7th to Our Wicked Lady in Brooklyn NY -or- Follow Choked Up on Spotify and Bandcamp -or- @chokedupnyc on Instagram and Facebook for news on upcoming shows + releases.

In other news, THE NEXT WORLD TAROT 2nd pressing is still on its journey to existence, but Coming Out This Fall on Silver Sprocket Comics! Please follow me @croadcore on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook -or- sign up to receive updates from Silver Sprocket Comics! Ive said it 49583 times and Ill say it again: The Next World Tarot will NEVER be out of print! It’ll just take a break every so often- and maybe we should all do the same..... Sike!


05/07/2018 Today in my life, the CROADCORE Mall Is back up and running from my studio in Brooklyn NY. Ive had quite a time reclaiming my brain from the Next World Tarot, so here are a few Next World Prints, of the Major and Minor Arcanas, as well as a new print on Generational Trauma (pictured in that convenient gif to your left), originally designed for The Icarus Project, but edited to a third eye-calming twilight, because we need every bit of everything we can find to smash the weight of ancient anxiety.

Aside from this, please keep following me @croadcore on social media for updates on Next World Tarot re-press, new projects, and my band, Choked Up!

No, actually, I would appreciate it if you just follow us on Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, and all of those things I dont really understand but feel peer-pressured into thanks to the future of the visual and performing arts..... We have tons of shows coming up all summer in the Tri-state area, Canada, the Midwest, and probably near you.

With that said, excuse me while I start making creepy yet sacred Next World Tarot merchandise and write songs about uncomfortable romantic feelings during the fall of empire! Goodbye for now.


4/16/2018 Spring is finally not even really here! Thanks to an administration that doesnt give a crap about the earth, the season brings many snowstorms alongside rebirth: my band Choked Up just released our first EP on Get Better Records and the return of the NEXT WORLD TAROT!

NEXT WORLD TAROT ORDERS ARE BACK For A Limited Time! The last 200 1st PRESS DECKS are up for Pre-Sale All Over the World on Silver Sprocket Comics! Orders will be shipped on the first week of May through Silver Sprocket distribution in San Francisco, CA! Please follow me @croadcore for news on the 2nd Pressing! For now, get your 1st Press Deck TODAY!

As for Pop-punk and the immediate release of my feelings in a less universal platform…. Im super stoked to announce Choked Up will be touring all spring + summer! Please follow us @chokedupnyc on Instagram + Listen at ChokedUp.Bandcamp.com Streaming Coming Soon, In the meantime, come out to one of our shows and cry with us.

With that said, I truly hope this website looks like something 2018 the next time I post news! Ill miss my aol press layout; but I will not miss DIY web design. Remember folks, if something isn’t your forte, YOU DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT IF YOU DONT WANT TO. Do what you love, its self preservation <3


1/25/2018 All amidst life changes, global catastrophe, and trying to stay sane’ish while the Next World Tarot goes out into the world; Im happy to say that Im back to work illustrating for causes and creators that are doing important revolutionary work. I cant guarantee availability, but feel free to hit me up for illustration commissions at croadcore@gmail.com

Ive just uploaded my most recent work for SONS AND BROTHERS, up now under the Commissions and Donations in ARTWORK. All year, Sons And Brothers has honored the heroes and hundreds of individuals that have fought and continue to fight the injustices faced by our communities. Last month, they had me illustrate Ebin Lee, Raquel Willis, Queen Victoria, and Sameer Jha; all Transgender and gender non-conforming leaders and activists who continue to create peace and work towards a more just future.

With that said, stay tuned for updates on re-releasing Next World Tarot, and re-opening the prints shop, after I take stock from having become a post office. In the meantime, Please checkout this list of Stores and Online Distributors who are carrying (or will carry) Next World Tarot!

Alleycat Books - San Francisco, CA
BlueStockings Books -New York, NY
Cult Party Store and Online Shop - Brooklyn, NY
Calling Corners - Truro, Nova Scotia
Elliot Bay Bookstore and Online Shop - Seattle, Washington, USA
FireStorm Books & Coffee - Asheville, NC
The Future - Minneapolis, MN
Otherwild Books - Los Angeles, CA
Otherwild Books - New York, NY
Seite Bookshop & Online Store - Los Angeles, California, USA
Silver Sprocket Comics and Zines - San Francisco, CA
Women & Children First Books - Chicago, IL

And dont forget to download my Guide to Reading and Creating Spreads -OR- you can purchase an updated Next World Tarot GuideBook Download— now available at the CROADCORE Mall! This edition features a few updated descriptions, and a guide to reading and creating Tarot spreads, making sure the Next World Tarot can be accessed by anyone.

Please follow me @croadcore on Instagram / Twitter if you want to receive updates on Next World Tarot or my band Choked Up!

1/6/2018 Thank You again for the outpouring love and support from the all over the world for Next World Tarot. I hope to make decks available again soon! In the meantime, please ask your favorite local bookstore to carry them! Stores and Distributors can order wholesale by e-mailing me at croadcore@gmail.com

In an effort to start expanding this project, I found it necessary to create a Guide to Reading and Creating Spreads. You can Download a FREE PDF By Clicking THIS LINK -OR- you can purchase an updated Next World Tarot GuideBook Download— now available at the CROADCORE Mall! This edition features a few updated descriptions, and a guide to reading and creating Tarot spreads, making sure the Next World Tarot can be accessed by anyone.

With that said, Please come out next weekend to INTO ACTION in Los Angeles and support all of the amazing work of 175+ Artists who’s work is geared towards transforming the world. For More Info Please visit: http://into-action.us/

1/11/18 - 2/8/18 Los Angeles, CA

Into Action! Is a large-scale pop-up art exhibition and community organizing action hub in Los Angeles featuring hundreds of works of art, dozens of installations, and 25+ hours of live performances, symposiums, and workshops. Into Action demands more from our justice systems, education systems, and each other. For More Info Please Visit http://into-action.us/

12/24/17 Stoked to say Ill be showing 9 original NEXT WORLD TAROT Pieces at INTO ACTION! Coming this January, INTO ACTION is a large-scale pop-up art exhibition and community organizing action hub in Los Angeles featuring hundreds of works of art, dozens of installations, and 25+ hours of live performances, symposiums, and workshops. Into Action demands more from our justice systems, education systems, and each other. Submissions are open Until JANUARY 5th, so Please send your work for the chance to show with 100+ revolutionary culture creators.

Otherwise, THANK YOU for the outpouring support of NEXT WORLD TAROT! Im pleased to announce that Next World Tarot will be found at the following stores and distributors around the globe!

Alleycat Books
San Francisco, CA

BlueStockings Books
New York, NY

FireStorm Books & Coffee
Asheville, NC

The Future
Minneapolis, MN

Little Red Tarot Online Shop
Wales, UK

Otherwild Books
Los Angeles, CA

Otherwild Books
New York, NY

Two Sides Tarot Online Shop
New South Wales, Australia

Women & Children First Books
Chicago, IL

The Witches Brew
Toronto, ON

If you are interested in carrying NEXT WORLD TAROT in your shop or distributor, please write croadcore@gmail.com ?I am offering both consignment and upfront options. Copies are going fast!

Let the overwhelming drive to fuck shit up and honor your truth take over! Hope to see you at Into Action!

1/11/18 - 2/8/18 Los Angeles, CA

a large-scale pop-up art exhibition and community organizing action hub in Los Angeles featuring hundreds of works of art, dozens of installations, and 25+ hours of live performances, symposiums, and workshops. Into Action demands more from our justice systems, education systems, and each other. For More Info Please Visit https://www.instagram.com/intoactionus/

12/07/2017 NEXT WORLD TAROT Is finally here! Im deeply moved to say that you can expect your Pre-Order within the next 2 weeks, allowing for packing and shipping. I will soon update you on what stores around the globe you can find the Next World!

For now, if youre in the Tri-State area, please checkout the first of many events celebrating the release of Next World Tarot, An Evening of Art and Astrology, Sunday Dec. 17th at MoMA in NY, NY

Thank you to everyone who has believed in this project, and to everyone who has been patient with its unreal process. Thank you to everyone who lent their time posing for each of the 78 cards and expressed enthusiasm to be a part of this. Thank you to everyone who was understanding if your image was not included in the final work, due to the pangs of representation in a vast work of art.

Thank You to everyone who understood the unnerving clash between mental health, grieving, and being an independent artist. I have been creating accesible art with very little financial support (and many disposable side gigs) since the mid-90's, romanticizing the full control of truth, while feeling the burn of sexism, racism, and homophibia in the media. During my final year of production, I was able to focus full-heartedly on finishing the 78 cards and recreating about half of them. Before this time, the Next World Tarot was a nebulous pipe dream. Between grieving deaths, looming fascism, and restructuring my entire vision; the final inception of the Next World Tarot was both intentional and miraculous, finalizing in an oracle of resistance that hopes to elevate the voices on the margins.

Thank You to everyone who has Pre-Ordered! To many of you, this concept of sustaining art may have been new, or tedious. Despite this, your patience and contribution has not only funded its creation and maintenance, but the whole printing and distribution. I chose options that honored sustainable printing, large beautiful (and unsuspectedly shiny) 4x6 cards, and a run of 2K decks to honor the demand and support I was receiving from all of you.

Thank You to the queer brown witches who truly believed in this project more than I did, as feeling grounded in my own magic has been a long process of grieving and decolonizing. Thank You to everyone who has stood by me during the final release into the world. Thanks to J for duplicating (and centering) my card layout 78 times on Indesign becasue I hate computers. Thanks to Gina for labeling all 1500 envelopes with me on thanksgiving when all we wanted to do was forget colonialism and watch romcoms.

Thank You to Shuffled Ink for listening to me cry. And thanks to everyone who has helped me pack and ship over the last 48 hours— we have about 72 hours more to go!

With that said, Im looking forward to keeping this project alive and watching it grow. Im looking forward to planning exhibits and readings, mass-producing currently top secret merchandise, and begining the Next World Tarot's español edition, El Tarot Del Proximo Mundo; as well as updated downloadable editions of the Booklet (so NWT users can keep up with my Gemini Mercury). For Now, Pre-Orders are still up in the CROADCORE MALL !

I cant say what routes this will take— whether Ill do it myself again or join forces with a publisher— I do know, however, that I will have full control of my voice, and full focus on our revolution; no matter what.

If youre in the Tri-State area, please checkout the first of many events celebrating the release of Next World Tarot, An Evening of Art and Astrology, Sunday Dec. 17th at Museum of Modern Art, NY NY. I will be discussing The Next World Tarot, as well as my connections between art, my cultural upbringing, its disection from queerness, and reclaiming ancestral magic.

POPRALLY PRESENTS: An Evening of Art and Astrology
Sunday 12/17/2017 At The Museum of Modern Art - NY, NY

Join artist Cristy C. Road, Astrologer Alice Sparkly Kat and exhibition organizer Esther Adler to discuss creativity and community through the lens of astrology and Tarot. The presentation will be displayed in conjunction with the works of Charles White—Leonardo da Vinci. Curated by David Hammons, an exhibition that explores the artistic and astrological connections between two artists born over 450 years apart.
For More Info visit https://www.moma.org/calendar/events/3824?locale=es

10/1/2017 THE NEXT WORLD TAROT Is underway and being printed as you read this. According to the printer, it will be 3-7 weeks, so please hang on. The history of this project has involved over 5 years of re-writing, 80+ photoshoots with each card's featured individual, and setbacks brought to us by fascism, and the results of environmental terrorism.

THE NEXT WORLD TAROT is a project with goals to end attacks against the earth and our bodies, while we unlearn the justifications of our prejudices as we learn to step back and breathe.

While we wait, Checkout all the NEW PRINTS at the CROADCORE MALL of Next World Tarot Cards, all displayed in this high tech animated gif to your left. Consider Justice, The 7 of Wands, The Page of Pentacles, The King of Cups, The Lovers, or The 10 of Pentacles for your next home and office decor.

Ive finally come to accept that this .org isnt most modern people's go-to for news. So Please follow me @croadcore on Instagram and Twitter for updates on Next World Tarot, as well as news about my new all Latinx band CHOKED UP, a pop-punk telenovela para el corazon.

With that said, may the rage be with you.

7/10/2017 Greetings from the secret offices of Cristy C. Road, where I live my life as a dinosaur and infrequently post on social media. I hope to bring exciting news on the NEXT WORLD TAROT and my new band, CHOKED UP.

First off, Please checkout my new band, CHOKED UP, an all-Latinx pop-punk telenovela about finding love after fascism. For shows, recordings, and news, and all of our deep secret info, please follow us on Instagram @chokedupnyc or Bandcamp.

As for envisioning the next world, I'm hoping everyone understands the tug of war that comes with embracing a complicated creation, all 78 pieces of it! Some of these cards have been re-drawn multiple times --over years or days-- as some of the original themes have become irrelevant to the deck's final voice. Despite that, the more I reach for the most complex stars, the longer it takes to create something Im happy with.

Among post-production plans; Im stoked to announce such ideas as a Next World Tarot exhibit, and a Spanish language pressing of the cards, El Tarot Del Proximo Mundo. For now, I hope to finish these last 10 cards without distractions from depression or the system [light yr candles]. In the meantime, please checkout some of these cards in their final Layout! Super grateful to have J Oberman on board for laying out this dinosaur's art and text!

Its been a long haul and Im so happy to be edging on the finish line. In the meantime, please checkout The 7 of Wands in the ARTWORK, and follow me @croadcore on Instagram and on Facebook for more frequent and in progress art updates. No Events until I cross the finish line, except for some Choked Up shows, so check 'em out and remember to protect your magic.

6/5/2017 This June marks the end of my MFA journey in Illustration! Ive been working as an illustrator and graphic novelist or zine writer since 1997, and going back to school was not something I expected to do, but am honored I had the privilege to do so, because my work in education is as important to me as the stuff thats been coming out of me for 20 years, school or not. Looking forward to new ventures in educational work; and reinventing old ventures in graphic novels and pop-punk. (Although I plan to complete THE NEXT WORLD TAROT before my eyeballs get ahead of my @$$). Pre-Orders are up at the CROADCORE MALL, and you will receive your copies by ETA 8/2017. Dystopian themes in storytelling are raging in these new projects and urgency is probably all I know these days.

To honor the work of my graduating MFA class, please come out our Society of Illustrators Event, and our Exhibit 13 Stories; chronicling the last few years of our creative process (all listed below). Ive spent the last three years reconnecting to visual art and deepening my connection to education and teaching. Its easy to get lost in the subculture that saves you, never seeing the light of day beyond it-- but this leap into the rest of the art world was well worth the 3 years of co-working with 13 artists from 5 different countries.

Check It All Out and remember to go outside <3

FIT Illustration MFA at the Society of Illustrators
6/8/17 @The Society of Illustrations, NY, NY

Join the FIT MFA Class of 2017 for a Show & Tell evening at the Society of Illustrators, as the graduates display, sell and discuss the work that led them to their Visual Thesis exhibition currently on display at the FIT Museum Gallery!

The Feminist Press Presents: Brontez Purnell and Cristy C. Road
6/8/17 @Silent Barn, Brooklyn NY

Celebrate the release of Brontez Purnell's New book SINCE I LAID MY BURDEN DOWN, Out Now on Feminist Press, with FP Author and fellow queer punk of the south, Cristy C. Road.

13 STORIES Visual Thesis Exhibition
6/13/17 - 7/10/17 The Fashion Institute of Technology, NY NY

13 Stories is the 2017 visual thesis exhibit at FIT, featuring the work of 13 illustrators from 5 different countries with 13 unique narratives: Che Saitta-Zelterman, Claude Hodelin, Cristy C. Road, Deepti Sunder, Ellie Ji Yang, Emma Waseilke, Hwayeon Im, Karen Scheetz, Kendall Eddy, Lulu Qu, Mark Wang, Necdet Yilmaz, and Robert Geronimo

4/4/2017 THE NEXT WORLD TAROT Is 2 months away from printing and a 2ND Round of PRE-ORDERS ARE NOW UP while supplies last!


The first pressing will include a run of 2000 Decks; and there are 500 AVAILABLE DECKS LEFT FOR YOU TO PURCHASE, which were not claimed during 2016's Kickstarter campaign. Please checkout the Pre-Sale at the CROADCORE MALL or email croadcore@gmail.com if you have any concerns of the deck, or of your Kickstarter order information.

Estimated arrival of NEXT WORLD TAROT is still on August 2017. To celebrate, Im sharing the JUSTICE card to the ARTWORK. Justice isnt about balance, but about an elevated, passionate attack on white-supremacy, queerphobia, misogyny, ableism, and hate. Practice your gut reaction, radical response to injustice and hone the power behind your black, brown, queer, magical, offbeat, and sometimes disregarded body. Where can you expect safety? Justice is a moment where you are surrounded by like minds who dont make you question or lose authority over your body.

With that said, Ill be performing at Bluestockings in NYC, Yale University, and Get Better Fest in Philly... please come say hi.



Yo Tambien: Lux en Latinx / Latinx Ivy League Conference 2017
April 8th, 2017 @Yale University, New Haven CT

Yo Tambien elevates the "x" in Latinx and is creating a space for Latinx students and administrators to come together, empower one another, share and innovate. This conference invites the next generation of Latinx leaders and students to engage in critical dialogue on issues affecting our community. Throughout the conference, we will work together to build networks that will last a lifetime For More info Please Visit this Link.

READING with Nia King and Elena Rose
April 18th, 2017 @Bluestockings Books, NY, NY

Ill be reading with Nia King and Elena; editors of "Queer and Trans Artist of Color" Vol 1 and 2. For more Info visit http://bluestockings.com/

April 30 @Phila Moca, Philadelphia PA

Ill be performing music and reading new work with accompanying slideshow at GET BETTER FEST 4, a 3-day festival of queer punk music benefiting Trans Assistance Project, Youth Emergency Services, and Women Against Abuse.

2/28/2017 As I secretlly toil away at the Next World Tarot , Im so proud (as in gay) to announce my participation in this years NYC Live Arts Festival Live Ideas programming of MX'D MESSAGES (curated by Mx Justin Vivian Bond). Trans-genre artist Mx Justin Vivian Bond curates a series examining the idea of a world without binaries–across gender, politics, theology, sensory perception and race. You can find me March 14th at the keynote conversation, Queer As in Fuck You: Under the Influence of Homocore and March 18th at the Ostara Ball: Tea Dance and Closing Party with The Homobiles and DJ Matty Horrorchata and Macy Rodman. Please checkout all the amazing performances and talks throughout the week featuring iconic queer artists Richard Move, M. Lamar, Brontez Purnell, Trajal Harell, Laverne Cox, Silas Howard, and many panel discussions on trans-theology, afrofuturism, activism and social justice, caregiving and choral workshops, Prime Time genre bending performance events including the TEAM’s RoosevElvis (Re_MX’D), Mx Bond’s House of Whimsy and MORE! Please visit http://newyorklivearts.org/programs/liveideas/ for information.

Later on April 8th, ill be performing a lecture at the 2017 Annual Latinx Ivy League Conference at Yale University; and ill be reading April 18th alongside editors of Queer and Trans Artists of Color, Nia King and Elena Rose. For More Info on Q&T Artists of Color Volumes 1 and 2, visit http://www.artactivistnia.com

3/14-3/19 @NY Live Arts Theatre 219 W. 19 ST.

Trans-genre artist Mx Justin Vivian Bond curates a series examining the idea of a world without binaries–across gender, politics, theology, sensory perception and race. For More Info Please Visit http://newyorklivearts.org/programs/liveideas/

4/8 @Yale University, New Haven, CT

Ill be presenting at this years conference, themed #YoTambien: I, too, am Latinx. More Info Coming Soon.

4/18 @Bluestockings, NYC

Ill be joining Nia King and Elena Rose reading from Queer and Trans Artists of Color. Ill be reading new work about the end of the world (no drama). More info Coming Soon.

1/23/2017 I would like to start the year addressing the need for Revolution. Completing the Next World Tarot has taken on new meaning, although not new enough because the fight for ownership of our bodies never stopped in disenfranchished communities. The Next World is about destroying the white supremacist, misogynist foundations of our police state; and destroying the seeds being planted by those who suddenly feel empowered by the hateful bigotry fueling our new U.S. Presidency.

Ive added new Next World Tarot Cards to THE CROADCORE MALL and the ARTWORK, for sale as well as free downloads. All prints are now printed on 12"x18", 110lb Finch Fine Archival Paper.

REVOLUTION (Also known as The Tower) is available for FREE DOWNLOAD as a High Resolution Poster; and for sale as a 12"x18" Print at THE CROADCORE MALL. All Proceeds on REVOLUTION Orders will be donated to STAND WITH STANDING ROCK, as the Trump administration has announced a second attempt at the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Also at The Mall, you will find new prints for THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS, THE HIGH PRIESTESS, & THE QUEEN OF CUPS.

In ARTWORK, Im adding REVOLUTION and THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS. Im sharing REVOLUTION, (also known as The Tower) because its high time to destroy the systems that no longer serve us. Sustainable energy sources can exist as long as we acknowledge that destroying the earth and communities of color for access to fossil fuels is environmental terrorism. As the water becomes poisoned, the politcians become hungry for wealth. No blood for oil became the theme of the war on Iraq; and it rings true from Syria to Standing Rock. When we acknowledge the truth, we can commit to resistance in our home. Boycotting oil corporations and honoring ancient systems of protecting the earth's resources, while knowing that submitting to capitalism is sometimes the only choice given to us. In response, THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS is who we'll hold as we are fighting harder than ever, letting our freak flags fly, and destroying the establishment by making revolutionary choices. There will be danger, we will be derailed, we will discover tangents upon tangents of new struggles through every gaslight of unwelcome darkness and every microagression exhibited by our opressors. The Knight of Swords is the rumbling thunder of our almost-healed hearts, as they slice through horror and heal a world that will fall apart without them.

Please stay tuned for next month when I launch ROUND TWO of PRE-ORDERS. The Next World Tarot Deck is almost complete with just 2-3 months to go; and there is aboout 800 unclaimed decks in the first self-published pressing, with a short run of 2000. Please follow me @croadcore on Instagram or Twitter; or keep reloading this website for news on getting your copy of NEXT WORLD TAROT.

Excuse me while I finish the last 20 something cards <3


12/21/16 In the wake of the global doom we are seeing on the street and screen, Im honored to share that Ill be exhibiting over 25 pieces of The Next World Tarot alongside a pioneer of queer resistance, photographer Luis Carle at Exploring Queer Space. Luis Carle has been photohraphing Queer Latinx movements in NYC since the late 1980s and through the 90s and today. Opening Reception on December 28th at 4-8PM.

In more event news, Ill be venturing out west for the The Lookouting! A Celebration of Lookout Records (mostly to nerd out) On January 4th Ill be reading during the Lookout! Bookout at the Berkeley Public Library with Michelle Cruz Gonzales of Spitboy, Kamala and the Karnivores, and author of The Spitboy Rule. We called the night "iCABRONAS!" cause thats what we will serve.

And on the US Presidential inauguration night, Ill be splitting the walls with over 70 amazing artists at Handbills of Subversion: Tremendous Art from Losers, Nasty Women, and the Gays at MF Gallery. We will be showing handbill sized art with reaction to the horrifying Trump administration; in honor of the half-page sized flyers, zines, and DIY art. Proceeds will benefit Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.

Exploring Queer Space: Latinx Queer Identity in the Works of Cristy C. Road and Luis Carle
12/28-12/30/2016 @Rogue Space Chelsea, NY, NY

Cristy C. Road will exhibit original works from the Next World Tarot and Luis Carle will show his collection of photographs documenting the queer movements in NYC of the 1990's. December 28-30, 12PM-6PM
Click Here For More Info

iCABRONAS! Readings by Michelle Cruz Gonzales and Cristy C. Road
1/4/2017 @Berkeley Public Library, Berkeley, CA

Michelle Cruz Gonzales and Cristy Road are both authors, have both fronted punk bands, and will both be reading from their recent works at the West Branch! 7-8PM
Click Here For More Info

Handbills of Subversion: Tremendous Art from Losers, Nasty Women, and the Gays
1/20/2017 @MF Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Over 70 artists create handbill-sized art in reaction to the Trump administration. Curated by Sarah Antoinette Martin. 7-10PM
Click Here For More Info

11/14/2017 We live in a country that's founded on racism and houses billions of people who evade social conciousness and hold on to the great american dream of ethnic cleansing (remember, the original dream involved the genocide of Native Americans?). It is not a surprise that a popular billionaire and television personality has mobilized these great american dreamers from the woodworks, putting a white supremacist sexual predator and environmental terrorist in the presidential office. Its not a surprise; but a tragedy that validates the fact that we have to continue to fight for our safety, for marginalized bodies, and practice resistance. Marginalized groups KNOW mobilization, we just dont expect state-sanctioned power, something easily accessible by the Majority Rule; a rule that doesnt exclude white supremacist hate and bigotry. So as we await garbage, I'll act with resilience and fight for the truth.

Maintaining resilience during times of darkness is difficult but possible, through the self-preserving notions of relating to nature and self before relating to the powers that destroy us. This energy is evident in my favorite Tarot Card, THE HIGH PRIESTESS. The High Priestess wields intuitive knowledge in order to create her own safety outside of the system.

The High Priestess, along with the King of Pentacles and The Wheel of Fortune from The Next World Tarot will be on View at Lucky You!, an exhibit on our definitions of luck, being held at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, CA. November 13th-January 1st. The Next World Tarot Deck, however, will not be completed until 2017. Keep your eyes peeled for Pre-Sales coming in the winter.

In other exhibit news, starting today on this fateful election day of death, Im pleased to take part in El Museo Del Barrio's Curated exhibit at Robert Blackburn 20/20; Paper Hotshots, a show focused on printed work by Latinx Comic and Illustration creators.

Lucky You! At Museum of Latin American Art
11/13/16-1/1/17 @Museum of Latin American Art

The Port to Learning Gallery at the Museum of Latin American Art presents Lucky You!, an exhibition that explores the concept of luck and the various ways it is acknowledged, understood, and expressed. Lucky You! will feature works by local artists as well as pieces from MOLAA’s Permanent Collection. For More Info Please Visit: https://www.molaa.org/exhibition/lucky-you/

Paper Hot Shots Exhibition
11/9/16 @Blackburn 20/20, NYC

El Museo del Barrio and The Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop collaborate again on an exhibition at the Blackburn 20/20 gallery space. Paper Hotshots features the work of 30 contemporary Latinx artists working in comics or illustration or influenced by the traditions of comics and graphic novels. For More Info Please visit:

Queer Latinx Artists Exhibition
12/28-12/30/16 @Rogue Space Chelsea, NYC

Details TBA

10-11-16 Its "National Coming out Day"-- a holiday (and that sense of pride) that took me 26 years to truly own-- and therefore an appropriate time to announce that Im celebrating Revolution Radio, Green Day's new album about survival, by offering a FREE PRINTS GIFT PACK with your purchase of SPIT AND PASSION, while Supplies last! SPIT AND PASSION is my Coming Out Memoir about staying in the closet and letting Green Day's music guide me into a sense of safety. Coming out may represent a light at the end of a haunting, dark tunnel; but many people spend years walking towards that light. We have to honor our individual journey's and the way we have thrived inside of our closets. Coming Out is a privilege and SAFETY IS NOT UNIVERSAL. Please Checkout SPIT AND PASSION if you havent yet! You can place your order BY CLICKING THIS LINK, or through the CROADCORE MALL, although my personal Mall supplies are limited.

Soon I will update you with details on upcoming these events + details on pre-ordering NEXT WORLD TAROT!


For upcoming Acoustic performances please visit cristyroad.bandcamp.com

Postcards from The Edge: Posters and Artwork of the NYC Punk Scene
10/1-10/16 @MF Gallery, Brooklyn NY

Ill have these flyers up + for sale in poster-form at POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE: Posters and Artwork of the NYC Punk Scene, an art exhibit at MF GALLERY featuring NYC punk show flyers and other imagery from a bunch of different NYC punk communities. Featuring work by FLY, GARY GILMORE, JOE SIMKO & SHITTONS MORE. (MF Gallery @ 213 Bond St. BK NYC)

Lucky You! At Museum of Latin American Art
11/1/16-1/1/17 @Museum of Latin American Art

Details TBA

Paper Hot Shots Exhibition
11/1/16 @Blackburn 20/20, NYC

Details TBA

Queer Latinx Artists Exhibition
12/28-12/30/16 @Rogue Space Chelsea, NYC

Details TBA

9/4/2016 While I continue to hide all of my recent work for Next World Tarot from the www, Im inredibly stoked to have participated in two important events this summer: Visions from the Inside artist collaboration with CultureStrike, and Artists Assemble: Empowerment and Inspiration in Contemporary Comics at MOLAA.

Visions from the Inside is a project organized by CultureStrike, in partnership with Familia Trans Queer Liberation Movement, End Family Detention , Families For Freedom, and NWDC Resistance. CultureStrike brought together 12 artists from across the country (including myself) to create illustrations inspired by letters penned by detained migrants. My piece is up on the ARTWORK, as well as on Visions from The Inside.

ARTISTS ASSEMBLE: Empowerment and Inspiration in Contemporary Comics is this month's exhibit at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, CA. This exhibit features artists who highlight characters, events, and stories traditionally excluded from mainstream comic book art and culture. Over 40 artists are showing individual sketches, hand drawn panels, mini-comics, comic books, video art, and digital images, as well as illustrations, sculptures, installation, paintings, and photographs. I'm exhibiting the original art for Querida Yaya, Sin Verguenza, and The Queen of Cups.

If youre not in the Southern California area between now and September 18th, you can checkout any of my upcoming local performances and exhibits in NYC + DESAFINADOS Festival Chicago, IL this October.

SEE YOU SOON --<--<-<--@

ARTISTS ASSEMBLE: Empowerment and Inspiration in Contemporary Comics
7/17-9/18 @Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, CA

Ill be exhibiting along 40 artists for Artists Assemble. For more info visit https://www.molaa.org/events/exhibition-opening-artists-assemble-empowerment-inspiration-contemporary-comics/

Benefit for Pulse, Orlando
8/5 @Silent Barn, 603 Bushwick Ave. Brooklyn NY

Ill be performing spoken word with w/ Ratas En Zelo, Amor y Sacrificio, Worriers, Thin Lips

A Tribute and Benefit for Erik Peterson
8/14 @Gold Sounds 44 Wilson Ave., Brooklyn, NY

Ill be performing acoustic solo songs with Out of System Transfer, Comrades, Brook Pridemore, Yula Beeri, Early Riser

8/20 @ The Marriot, Brooklyn Bridge

NYC's first Queer Comic Con! Ill be reading and performing along with a million other rad queer Comic artists. For more info please visit www.flamecon.org

Spoken Word Performance
9/14 @C'Mon Everybody, Brooklyn NY

w/ Erica Freas, Hot Tears, and Fleabite

Postcards from The Edge: Posters and Artwork of the NYC Punk Scene
10/1-10/16 @MF Gallery, Brooklyn NY

Ill have these flyers up + for sale in poster-form at POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE: Posters and Artwork of the NYC Punk Scene, an art exhibit at MF GALLERY featuring NYC punk show flyers and other imagery from a bunch of different NYC punk communities. Featuring work by FLY, GARY GILMORE, JOE SIMKO & SHITTONS MORE. (MF Gallery @ 213 Bond St. BK NYC)

DESAFINADOS: Celebrating 25 years of Los Crudos,
punk underground culture in Pilsen and Little Village

10/8 @Co-Prosperity Sphere, Chicago, IL

DESAFINADOS is a week long exhibit focusing on the beautiful history of punk and underground culture in Pilsen and Little Village in Chicago. There will be amazing performances, panels, & art fairs. Im honored to be speaking on the 8th for Desafinados Queer Night . Please visit http://www.crudosoy.com/ for more info.

6/30/2016 I never felt safe enough to come out in Florida, until I had a community that felt secret enough because it was big enough. The state of violence against queer people is why we tirelessly attack the root of the problem: fundamentalist hate; learned hate; systematic hate. So we make art, we start organizations, we organize mass protests, we perform direct actions against the institutions that are harrowing to our existence.... only for the cycle to continue, and keep us exhausted, so we can work on ourselves, only to get back out there pa luchar. Because as much as we can create and revolutionize; we still wonder if our work is even allowed in half the mainstream institutions that baby malditos y traya have access to.

This is why I keep trying, despite the setbacks in publishing and the media's limited interest in real fucking talk.... Right now Im working on THE NEXT WORLD TAROT, a 78-card Tarot deck illuminating the concept of a post-apocalyptic, post-hetero-patriarchial society. To passive aggresively bitch about the ammount of time it takes me to feel comfortable with showing new cards out of the prospective 78; today I will share the Queen of Cups. She defines patience and understanding and facing the most fucked odds with her struggle and self grounded firmly on the sand. Please check her out with all her friends in the ARTWORK.

Speaking of grounding ourselves, Ill be reading in the perfornance portion of July 2nd's Break The Chains: Queer Dance Party in Brooklyn. Ill be sharing the stage with Afro-Latinx Reggae-Rock Taina Asili y La Banda Rebelde, and Boston Riot-Folk; Evan Greer.

Later in the Summer in Brooklyn, ill be speaking at Flame Con, NYC's first queer comic con! More details to come soon.


July 2nd 2016 @Silent Barn, Brooklyn NY

w/ Taina Asili y la Banda Rebelde and Evan Greer

August 20th @ The Marriot, Brooklyn Bridge

NYC's first Queer Comic Con! Ill be reading and performing along with a million other rad queer Comic artists. For more info please visit www.flamecon.org

4-21-16 So Im not sure if youre into astrology or not, but my moon is in cancer, so thats my excuse for not scanning any new work for NEXT WORLD TAROT. Please check me out on Instagram @croadcore for more frequent (but still not that frequent and awkward quality) or in progress Tarot Cards. Until then, please checkout all these rad upcoming panels Ill be participating discussing race, gender, and underground music subcultures in NYC:
Women CLAP BACK in Music and the Arts
Saturday, April 30 @10AM
@The New School, Klein Conference Room 510, 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY

In social media, “clapbacks” are strong rebuttals to derogatory and insulting anonymous comments. They respond to racial and sexual disparities in the online world, but how does this resistance work in our real-life arts worlds? How do women who are active in alternative scenes like metal or punk, or DJs, writers, journalists, photographers, and pornographers push beyond the assumptions they constantly face? This one-day symposium features writers, activists, musicians, and creative artists whose presence as women of color, queer, trans* and/or gender non-conforming enables them to clap back to patriarchal, sexist, and racially intolerant creative spaces today. Ill be particiating in one of five panels, Are You Quirky? Challenging the Status Quo in Arts and Culture: "Not only are women of color participating in the alternative arts, they are creating unique perspectives that shatter stereotypes and inspire others. Join a discussion led by cosplayers, graphic designers and other artists who are breaking boundaries".

Women in Rock & Metal Music
Wednesday, May 4th @7PM
 @ Barnard College – Julius S. Held Lecture Hall, New York, NY

Women in Rock & Metal Music seeks to explore how women of varying ethnic backgrounds, gender identities and sexuality, so often marginalized, navigate their participation and construct spaces of liminality through their art, musicianship and voice. Ill be discussing gender, race, violence, and acceptance in the NY rock and metal scene with fellow panelists – Mindy Abovitz (Tom Tom Magazine Creator/Editor), Kristen Korvette (Creator of the feminist site -Slutist ), Laina Dawes (Author of What Are You Doing Here? A Black Woman’s Life and Liberation in Heavy Metal), and Justina Villanueva (Heavy Metal photographer and artist).

3-16-16 Springtime came early to Brooklyn, making it easier to navigate the possibility of having a racist tyrant run the country; as well as the usual surges of street harassment and PTSD. In art news, however, everythings great, because I'm so honored to have created the cover art for Gabby Rivera's new Novel, JULIET TAKES A BREATH. Gabby is bringing a refreshingly angry and honest Afro-Latinx voice to queer lit. Please click all these links and check out Gabby's amazing work.

And in other book news, please welcome the new updated cover for the next pressing of the epic book THE REVOLUTION STARTS AT HOME: Confronting Intimate Violence in Activist Communities. This book was originally compiled and edited by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Ching-In Chen, & Jai Dulani in 2011. Please checkout this important work, soon to be back in print on AK Press.

With all this said, I am going to go back into my cave and hopefully, a month from now, this update will include atleast 10 new Tarot Cards from the NEXT WORLD TAROT for your viewing enjoyment (sorry I am still weird about in progress work?). Until then, please checkout my upcoming NY events at Interference Archive and Colgate University......

STAY GOLD... <3 <3 CCR

Thursday, March 17, 2016
@ Interference Archive, 131 8th St. Brooklyn NY

Join the Paper Cuts reading series with readings by Comic writers and artists: Cristy C. Road, Anna Flinchbaugh, Christopher Kardambikis, KJ Martinet, Drew Miller, Hazel Newlevant, and
Robert Richburg. For more info, CLICK HERE

SLIDESHOW & LECTURE for Queer Latina Visualities
Thursday, April 7th, 2016
@ Colgate University, 13 Oak Dr, Hamilton, NY

Ill be reading new work, showing and discussing the NEXT WORLD TAROT, and holding a workshop on navigating art, mental health, and culture as a visual artist and Latinx queer culture creator.




Checkout my FULL CV for an archive of past events.